How it works
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Practice with AI
Complete all three parts of the speaking test with our AI assistant
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Official IELTS Format
Experience the most advanced IELTS speaking practice tool.
AI-Powered Evaluation
Experience the most advanced IELTS speaking practice tool.
Comprehensive Reports
Experience the most advanced IELTS speaking practice tool.
Progress Tracking
Experience the most advanced IELTS speaking practice tool.
Practice Anytime
Experience the most advanced IELTS speaking practice tool.
Instant Feedback
Experience the most advanced IELTS speaking practice tool.
User Reviews

Fatima K.
Band 7.5
“PREPIELTS helped me understand my weak points and improve my speaking skills. I achieved band 7.5 in my IELTS Speaking test!”

Sanan Y.
Band 8.0
“The instant AI feedback is incredibly helpful. It's like having a personal IELTS tutor available 24/7.”